You can choose what to focus on, and therefore what to be. You can choose to be your in-breath and out-breath. You can choose to listen with your whole being to the sound of the rain or the wind, and in some way to be one with the rain or the wind. Listening to sounds in this way can be very joyful. When you are in touch with these refreshing and healing elements, you are being, and not thinking. – Thich Nhat Hanh. @thichnhathanhquotecollective #peace #joyful #inbreathandoutbreath #breathe #thaysaid #thichnhathanhquotecollective #thichnhathanh #buddhistquotes #thichnhathanhquotes

About Thich Nhat Hanh Quote Collective

Sharing quotes and teachings by the Venerable Thich Nhat Hanh.
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